NEW! Artwork Pick-up and Delivery

Please call 416-504-1659 to arrange for safe , quick pick up of your artwork! Curbside drop-off is available as well as super fast deliveries across the GTA

Digital Photo

Digital photo or digital art

Print / Poster

Art prints and movie, music and travel posters

Original Art

Paintings, drawings, and pastels on paper

Canvas / Wood

Art or photos on rolled or stretched canvas or wood board


Diplomas, certificates, maps, letters, awards


Photo from your feed or computer printed at 5x5 for $39


Sports jerseys and team t-shirts: $249

Newspaper / Magazine

Newspaper, magazine, and book pages


Matchbooks, keys, coasters, golf tees

Photograph (mail in)

Printed photography, vintage photos

Stock Picture Frames

Anything under 32" x 40" and 1/2" thick...that's not alive


Cross stitches, handkerchiefs, tea towels, and anything else on fabric